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Our Film Toy Vlog Hunt is SHOWING this month at the Unnamed Footage Festival

We are pleased to announce our short film Toy Vlog Hunt will be playing at the Unnamed Footage Festival in San Fransisco, California. We will be playing March 29th along with the feature Film Leech at 3:25pm! Be there or be square. All the information on the festival is on there super cool retro website, if you're in the area come out and support some independent filmmaking, and film nerdity. 

Adult Swim Yule Log 2: Branching Out Cast Interview Part 2 Andrea Laing, Danielia Maximilian-Almeda, Sharon Blackwood, and Chase Steven Anderson

  Join us for the sequel to our Adult Swim Yule Log 2: Branchin' Out cast interview as we welcome back Vundablog veterans  Andrea Laing  (Zoe) and  Danielia Maximillian-Almeda  (Holly) along with  Sharon Blackwood  (Nana), and  Chase Steven Anderson ( Jakester) to discuss the relationships they forged on set, their acting histories,  WCW Monday Night Nitro  and  cat videos ! Hosts:  Stephen  and   D-rock . Follow the show on Bluesky  and  Tiktok Please support  D-rock's Patreon  to support their musical endeavors. Also show some love this holiday  to the Ringing Rocks Roller Rink and their fundraiser  to improve a vital part of their community.  More information ar our home base Hear this up!!!

Adult Swim Yule Log 2: Branching out Cast Interview with Michael Shenefelt, Adam Laborde, Jesse Malinowski, and Sarah Stephens Vundacast 240

 Join us, Beau-revolutionaries as we welcome the cast of Adult Swim Yule Log 2: Branchin' Out, featuring  Michael Shenefelt  who plays Birt Card,  Jesse Malinowksi  of the Get Scene Podcast  who plays Beauragard,  Sarah Stephens   who plays Ann Card , &  Adam Laborde  who plays Officer Gibbons. We chat about the amazing vibes on set, the audition and rehearsal process, the balance between "on the page" and improv, and favorite Hallmark movie inspiration! Hosts:  Stephen  and   D-rock . Follow the show on Bluesky  and  Tiktok Please support  D-rock's Patreon  to support their musical endeavors. Also show some love this holiday  to the Ringing Rocks Roller Rink and their fundraiser  to improve a vital part of their community.   

Count Down to the New Year By Syncing These Epic Movie Moments at Midnight

It's New Year's Eve! Which means it's time to celebrate the death of this foul year of our Lord. So here's a list of our favorite movies that sync up to ring in the new year with a big, epic moment and what time you should start watching them on New Year's Eve.  For the best results, we suggest starting the movie, pausing it, setting it to 0:00:00 and unpausing at the time suggested. We also suggest watching these movies on DVD or BluRay if possible because even the most insignificant streaming blips can throw off the timing completely. Adult Swim Yule Log 2: Branchin' Out - 11:00:00 If you want to kick off the new year with Nana vomiting all over Christmas dinner, oddly enough it happens EXACTLY one hour into the film so all you have to do is start the movie at exactly 11:00:00 Cabin in the Woods - 10:30:07 PM If you want to ring in the new year with the Old Gods rising again, hit play on Drew Goddard's modern classic Cabin in the Woods at 10:30:07 PM (10:3...

D-Rock's Top 24 Albums of 2024

24. Blood Incantation - Absolute Elsewhere I really like this a lot but also prog metal is always incredibly difficult to mix with extreme metal and this is no exception. Some really cheesy parts but a lot of really superb parts. 23. Dissimulator - Lower Form Resistance Excellent prog-thrash stuff that gives hints of Vektor at times but very much its own identity. 22. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - “NO TITLE AS OF 13 FEBRUARY 2024 28,340 DEAD” I mean it's Godspeed, they're always gonna be one of the best of the year but I'm surprised people think so much more highly of this than their last two records, both of which I think are better (especially Luciferian Towers which is everyone's least favorite but I think it's fantastic!). 21. Charli XCX - Brat This seemed kinda overhyped at first blush. I still think it kinda is but this is definitely a very creative, impressive spin on electropop and I understand the lyrics are also very personal even though I'm not a big...

The Trials of Trivia: The Trial of Jason Voorhees with Jason Xmas Commentary

The Trials of Trivia returns this time on the line is the verdict in the trial of the century the trial of Jason Voorhees. Stephen calls to jury duty Dani, Peter , Nat, and Mr. J to compete. Lauren fills in as scorekeeper/court stenographer. After the triviagame we watch Jason Xmas and do commentary as we watch. There's no better way to celebrate this Fridaythe 13th. Play along and tell us your score.    Follow us on Bluesky Please support  D-rock's Patreon  to support their musical endeavors. Also show some love this holiday  to the Ringing Rocks Roller Rink and their fundraiser  to improve a vital part of their community. 

Adult Swim Yule Log 2's Casper Kelly & Andrea Laing Talk "Branchin' Out" the Yuleverse, Hallmark Movies, & Possible Sequels

We chatted with writer/director Casper Kelly and star Andrea Laing (Zoe) about their new horror-comedy sequel, Adult Swim Yule Log 2: Branchin' Out. Could this be the beginning of a 31-movie franchise? Watch this up to find out! Stephen ,  Dani , and  D-rock  our hyped as they get to talk about their favorite film franchise the Yuleverse. Actress  Andrea Laing  and filmmaker  Casper Kelly  return to discuss Adult Swim Yule Log 2 Branhing Out the sequel to our favorite film of 2022 Adult Swim Yule Log. We have a spoiler filled convo as we gush about how the film has turned us into axe people.  Follow us on Bluesky Please support  D-rock's Patreon  to support their musical endeavors. Also show some love this holiday  to the Ringing Rocks Roller Rink and their fundraiser  to improve a vital part of their community. 

Adult Swim Yule Log 2: Branchin' Out REVIEW

(CW: mild spoilers) It's finally here! The long-awaited sequel to 2022's breakout horror comedy Adult Swim Yule Log has arrived and it is really quite something! Picking up where the first movie left off, we follow Zoey (Andrea Laing) through a new adventure as she deals with the trauma she suffered in the first movie (including carrying an axe with her wherever she goes) and trying to stop living in a horror movie and start living in a Hallmark Christmas movie. When she wanders into the small town of Mistletoe, known for its clumsy hunks, she thinks she might get her chance to do just that--but an old friend isn't far behind... First of all, what they do with the meta idea of whether the characters are in a Hallmark movie or a horror movie is so creative but more to the point, it is executed flawlessly. Everything from the acting to the music to the aspect ratio of the film seamlessly transitions back and forth and at times the characters even seem to actively try to ...