Read Pile 1/30/08

Whenever I pick up my comics the first thing I do before reading them is organize them into the "Read Pile". The one on top being the one I am most interested and invested in the ones on the bottom usually being something i've never read before or don't have that much interest in and am stuck with. 1. ACTION COMICS #861- I am loving Geoff Johns run and arc with the legion of super heroes. The art is fantastic and the story thus far is top notch it will definitely be at the top of my read pile. 2. NEW AVENGERS ANNUAL #2 - I love the New Avenger's line up especially cause spidey is on it, I hope this'll explain how this brand new day crap fits with this and new avengers history. 3. GREEN LANTERN #27 - Another Geoff Johns book what can I say the man is a genius. 4. COUNTDOWN TO FINAL CRISIS 13 - Hope that superman prime finally gets his butt whooped. 5. JSA CLASSIFIED #34 - I love Hourman he's such a weird kind of dorky character...