the READ pile - 03/05/08

For some reason my comic shop isn't listing a shipment of Secret Invasion Saga, or New Frontier Special. So I'll add them to the read pile next week. Don't you dare spoil those for me internets.

#1 DYNAMO 5 #11- This is one of my favorite titles. It has a silver age feel and lots of action. Jay Faerber is a genius.

#2 TWELVE #3 (OF 12)- Awesome book. If you need someone to explain to you why it's great,  may i direct you here.

#3 ALL NEW ATOM #21- New writer for the series. I hope he can keep this title on track.

#4 GREEN LANTERN #28- A startling revelation about the blackest night is promised in the solicitation. 

#5 COUNTDOWN TO FINAL CRISIS 8- Jimmy and Darkseid are suppose to get into fisticuffs. I bet Mike is hyped.

#6 JONAH HEX #29- It looks like Jonah is going to fight a giant scorpion. So obviously I'm excited.

#7 COUNTDOWN TO ADVENTURE #7 (OF 8)- I forgot what happened last issue. 

#8 NEW DYNAMIX #1 (OF 5)- One of my favorite comics ever is X-Statix. This book has absolutely nothing to do with that, but they both end in X's. So maybe it'll be just as good. I know absolutely nothing about this book. Let's see what I learn.

#9 LOGAN #1 (OF 3)- I don't like the cover. The soliciatation said that there will be a shocking revalation about Loagn, I don't like that either. Brian k. Vaughn is writing it so i'll give it a shot. His mini Dr. Strange: The Oath was fantastic. So hopefully this book can deliver.

#10 DC SPECIAL RAVEN #1 (OF 5)- Marv Wolfman is writing this book so lets see if he can revitalize Raven in the DCU. DC is claiming this book is new reader friendly, so jump on it. 


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