THe REAd PILe - 5/14/08
Another big week my wallet is hurting. My heart is happy though.

#2 THE TWELVE #5(OF 12) - The Witness looks super cool in this cover. I feel like this book hasn't given me a clear direction yet shouldn't the plot have started yet. Who is the bad guy?

#3 GREEN ARROW BLACK CANRY #8 - Although I totally called the Ra's Al Ghul reveal. I want to see this book wrap up this thread and start a new fresh one. Maybe a little Deathstroke or Constantine Drakon next.
#4 TITANS #2 - Meh.
#5 IRON MAN LEGACY OF DOOM #2(OF 4) - I'm liking this book it has avery classic Iron Man quality. The art is superb, and the writing thus far is solid.
#6 GREEN LANTERN CORPS #24 - Mongul is coming off pretty cool, but I wonder how or if this will play into Final Crisis.
#7 X-MEN ORIGIN COLOSSUS ONE SHOT - Colossus has always been one of my favorite X-men and I think the current incarnation of him is totally a skrull. So hopefully this non-skrull colossus will be cool.

#8 SECRET INVASION FANTASTIC FOUR #1(OF 3) - Not sure if I'm going to stick with this, but it's three little issues so how bad can it get.
#9 LAST DEFENDERS #3(OF 6) - This book has me entertained even though I'm totally clueless about Defender's history, Nighthawk, and the big bad ominous villain.
#10 BATMAN #676 RIP - DC Universe 0 and the interview Pulp Secret had with Morrison sold me on this book. I'll give it three issues before I make a judgement on whether it sucks or not as I'm not really a big Morrison fan. Also the Alex Ross cover is totally rad and I want it as a poster.

#11 SUPERMAN #676 - An Alex Ross Solomon Grundy cover I am so there.

#12 X-MEN LEGACY #211 - I remember vaguely writing about how I'm onboard this book, but with fifteen books on my pull list this week this book seems perfect for dropping.
#13 PROJECT SUPERPOWERS #3(OF 7) - I'm not enjoying the story here it's slow and where I'll enjoy slow story telling in Justice with character's I love and think are cool. I don't think i can stand it with two bit has been characters.
#14 TINY TITANS #4 - I was gonna drop this but the disco cover hooked me. Fanklin Richards ain't got nothing on the Tiny Titans.

#15 HUNTRESS YEAR ONE #1 (OF 6) - Might drop this if it sticks. I'm not a big Huntress fan but if they can make her as cool as she was on JLU I might be happy.
#16 FINAL CRISIS SKETCHBOOK - Pretty pictures.
#17 MARVEL SPOTLIGHT HULK - Haven't finished the Iron Man one yet, but this is great bathroom reading.
I'm not a big fan of Chris's Invincible Super Blog simply because I feel it is to monstrously good and bigger than me. However he seems to like Speed Racer as much as me so he's okay in my book. Also I forgot to talk about how cool the tracks were in Speed Racer the film has a very Mario Kart style race feel which is suer cool. Go see Speed Racer!
I decided to drop Zorro it's simply to lame for me. When will they release a Speed Racer comic? IDW I'm looking at you?
Maybe I've just read too many comics to care about direction anymore. I dunno