the read pile -5/21/08
Good sized week, little bit of the usual and some new stuff.
#1 JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #21 - I am very hyped about Final Crisis the sketchbook was really cool and I love all the design work so far.
#1 JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #21 - I am very hyped about Final Crisis the sketchbook was really cool and I love all the design work so far.

#2 JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA #15 - There's supposed to be a big throw down in this issue. So it's time to to see what Alan Scott has up his sleeve.
#3 DYNAMO 5 #13 - This might be the most consistently good comic I read I have to turn this comic onto other people.

#4 X-MEN DIVIDED WE STAND #2 (OF 2) - A chance to see what Noriko is doing, i'm excited.
#5 DC WILDSTORM DREAMWAR #2(OF 6) - Last issue was a bit of, meh. This issue better have some plot developing.
#6 BRAVE AND THE BOLD #13 - Batman and Jay Garrick teaming up doesn't light the world on fire for me.
#7 MIGHTY AVENGERS #14 - I don't like these skrull covers anymore. I want the cover of a comic to reflect the story inside.

#8 COUNTDOWN TO MYSTERY #8(OF 8) - This series is the best thing that has come out of countdown but eight issues is to long. This would've worked in six.
#9 STAR TREK ASSIGNMENT EARTH #1 - Give me Trek. Trek is life.

#10 DC SPECIAL SYBORG #1(OF5) - I'd love to see Cyborg on his own kicking ass, Ithink this is my only opportunity.
#11 TANGENT SUPERMAN'S REIGN #3(OF12) - Ooh, tangent Batman.
#12 INDIAN JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL #1 - Time to start preparing for Indy's return. Gonna watch the movies this week also.
This movie has me giddy and the new posters are straight up bad ass! Don't wake the BABY!

Is anyone else humming the Indy theme right now?