#TodayIStheDay (A Prayer for Newtown, CT)

" What's most horrifying is that this is becoming normal. Everything about this is becoming normal." -My friend Raziq I couldn't say it better myself. Here we are again. 27 dead today at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut. 20 of them children. Then come the screaming arguments over gun control. "Repeal the Second Amendment!" says one. "Over my dead body!" says another. "Gun violence is out of control!" "Guns don't kill people, people do!" Rinse. Repeat. Such anger- and fear-driven responses to tragedy inhibit legitimate conversation and debate as much as anything else. I myself have been guilty of much misdirected anger toward those I love today. It's only human. We're all angry and we're all afraid. Both sides are quick to construct straw men to burn in effigy: "Those hatemongers won't stop clinging to their guns!" "Those bleeding heart liberals want to destr...