It's New Year's Eve! Which means it's time to celebrate the death of this foul year of our Lord. So here's a list of our favorite movies that sync up to ring in the new year with a big, epic moment and what time you should start watching them on New Year's Eve. For the best results, we suggest starting the movie, pausing it, setting it to 0:00:00 and unpausing at the time suggested. We also suggest watching these movies on DVD or BluRay if possible because even the most insignificant streaming blips can throw off the timing completely. Adult Swim Yule Log 2: Branchin' Out - 11:00:00 If you want to kick off the new year with Nana vomiting all over Christmas dinner, oddly enough it happens EXACTLY one hour into the film so all you have to do is start the movie at exactly 11:00:00 Cabin in the Woods - 10:30:07 PM If you want to ring in the new year with the Old Gods rising again, hit play on Drew Goddard's modern classic Cabin in the Woods at 10:30:07 PM (10:3...