
I became an Aaron Sorkin nerd about five years ago. My dad bought me the Sports Night boxset (all two seasons of it) and during a relatively lazy and unexciting time in my life I would spend days watching both seasons over and over to the point where I'd memorized a large majority of the show's more quotable moments. Five years later, I can probably quote roughly 50% or more of every single episode at this point. For those who don't know, Sports Night is a sitcom set behind the scenes of a SportsCenter-esque sports news show. I saw an interview with Sorkin once where he said that people would always ask him whether Sports Night was a drama or a comedy and his response was that it was neither which I think is the perfect answer. Family Guy joked once that Sports Night was "a comedy that's too good to be funny" and as one of its biggest fans, it's hard not to laugh at how much truth there is in that. It just really doesn't try very hard to be a dr...