
Showing posts from July, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises: The Hero we need.

On 07/19/2012,  I was one of the lucky ones who was able to enjoy "The Dark Knight Rises". I actually went for the trilogy marathon, and I was able to gain perspective on the film series as a whole before partaking of the final offering from Christopher Nolan and his vision of Batman.  I watched the trilogy, got home around 4:30a.m. happy and exhausted, and went to bed dreaming of a world where a hero like Batman could exist, an incorruptible symbol of justice and good.  Then I woke up. While I had been at my theater totally unaware, at about 15 minutes til midnight in Aurora, CO a 24 year old man named James Holmes walked in to a crowed movie theater, threw tear gas canisters in to the audience that promptly exploded, and then started to fire at random in to a crowd of men, women, and children.  [Source,] While I enjoyed my TDKR(The Dark Knght Rises) experience, there were people suffering and dying, just trying to enjoy small moments of ...

Unitarian Universalism blog rebranding

Well, it seems a lot has happened since the last time I wrote in here. I've decided that from this point on, this will be a blog on all things Unitarian Universalism (though I suppose as broad a theme as that is, it's still limiting in some ways--perhaps it would be better to refer to this as a "liberal religion blog"; not quite as catchy though).  With that in mind I suppose I should sort of reintroduce myself. I'm Derrick.  I'm 27 years old.  I am from Miami, FL and I am an active member of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami (UUCM); our minister is the lovely Rev. Wendy Pantoja.  I go to Florida International University and I'm majoring in Political Science and International Relations with a minor in Philosophy.  I am currently co-chairing (and essentially reinstating and reinvigorating) my congregation's Denominational Affairs committee and have also served on the Social Justice Committee as co-chair as well as the Membership Committee...