-Can we officially shut the fuck up about Jake Locker now? I don't care if he was playing the Pittsburgh Steelers, 4-20 for 71 yards, a TD, and 2 INTs is unacceptable. If you take away a 45 yard TD strike to Jermaine Kearse, he was 3-19 for 26 yards and 2 INTs. He's got lots of talent and I'm sure he's a perfectly decent kid but the idea that Locker is the ultimate prospect in this year's NFL Draft is inexplicable. His Heisman campaign is obviously deader than dead at this point and I see no reason that he won't be the next Tim Couch. -Here's a random one: Kansas is down 31-10 to Southern Miss...they score a touchdown with 5:17 left in the game...and go for two?! Uh...what? Who did the math on that one? What possible scenario are they planning for? Are they planning cut the deficit to 13 instead of 14 in hopes that, in the event that they have to settle for two field goals at some point, they can still tie the game (with the addition of another touch...
The notion the Enterprise can go underwater makes for a great visual but makes no goddamn sense...which is what I'd say about a lot of the Orci/Abrams take.
Reminds me of a bit from Futurama:
"We're at 20 atmospheres of pressure!"
"How many atmospheres can the Planet Express ship take?"
"Well, it's a spaceship. So somewhere between 0 and 1."
If the bad guy turns out to be Khan - the most banal choice imaginable - there is no end to how disappointed I'll be. Lots of this movie will be based on mining visual imagery from Trek's past.
"Hey, remember this, you fat fuck fanboys?"
Who is the bad guy? We know it's someone from Trek, so here are my Vegas style odds:
Khan: 2 to 3
Gary Mitchell: 5 to 1
Garth of Izar: 20 to 1
Finnegan: 10 to 1
The parasite aliens from the TNG episode "Conspiracy:" 500 to 1