Hey there VUNDAFANS!

It is now a really exciting time to be a Vundablogfan. Why? You ask. VUNDABLOG SUCKS! Shut up Jorge. Got back from Florida Supercon and had a blast working on posting up some pictures from it, including Vundablog Un-official Costume Contest Best Costumes of Florida Supercon, creating an FaceBook page to connect with steamy fresh Vundafans. I'm Stephen Escudero this is Vundablog. Wrestling Podcasts, more Wrestling reviews and talk, some old blogs by great authors to fill up the catalog.

Just added the back catalog from my old blog COMICBOOKWEEKNESS.blogspot.com.

So you can skim through my back content and see my past content. I have some long over due book reviews, I have lots of Comic book reviews, maybe some interviews in the future.  For the mean time check this classic link.


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