Free Comicbook Day Special: Frozen and Captain America: The Winter Soldier Comparison/Review
Free Comic Book Day is upon us. Spider Man 2 is out. Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier is out. The summer movie season has begun. Life is good here at Vundablog. Despite the tardiness of this post we actually saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2 days early and for free by showing our shield's to the fine folks at Mac's Comics. Where we met a fellow fan named Tony who had this awesome original poster.

Today on this glorious free comic book day. We will be getting our free comic book day comics at Macs Comics. We also may stop by one of our local libraries and pick up free comics that were donated by the generous Mac's comics. Below in the player you can hear our review/comparison of Disney's animated hit Frozen and Marvel's box-office smash Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier. We are working on an Amazing Spiderman 2 review, and then review/comparison. So stay tuned to Vundablog. Catch up on our podcasts and let us know what you think. We need Itunes reviews so if you can please do so for us.

Today on this glorious free comic book day. We will be getting our free comic book day comics at Macs Comics. We also may stop by one of our local libraries and pick up free comics that were donated by the generous Mac's comics. Below in the player you can hear our review/comparison of Disney's animated hit Frozen and Marvel's box-office smash Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier. We are working on an Amazing Spiderman 2 review, and then review/comparison. So stay tuned to Vundablog. Catch up on our podcasts and let us know what you think. We need Itunes reviews so if you can please do so for us.
