Stephen and Danielle were in attendance on Sunday at
Shock Pop Comiccon 2015. Danielle was in her signature handmade Puppycat suit, while Stephen wore two t-shirts throughout the day (one an El Rey Network shirt and the other Star Wars Ep.6 Revenge of the Jedi shirt). We had a great time at the con met a ton of cool people and got to geek out about all manner of things nerdy. As is tradition we were snapping pictures of cosplayers that ran across our path. The cosplayers weren't quite as plentiful as on Saturday, when the cosplay championships were being held. However I did manage to find some cool cosplays. Wish I could've caught more of the amazing cosplays I saw, but we were busy representing for the podcast getting interviews with Lisa Hammer and Alvaro Rodriguez that will be made available shortly. Click read more for more pics, our Cosplay Champion of the Vundablog, and a music video of the con's best cosplays by
There was a giant Deadpool made of balloons that was a sight to behold.
Our cosplay Champion is this adorable Ash from Army of Darkness cosplay.
Here's a sweet cosplay video from the con by