
Showing posts from November, 2016

Nic Cage Monday: If you wish upon destruction

Do not defy him. 

Mr.J’s Sunday Soundtrack: Gloria Estefan - Turn The Beat Around (Remix)

The best song choice to party with while on Mars

Nic Cage Monday: Endangered Nic

Bump this. 

Dick Tracy Chapter 11: Harbor Pursuit (1937) - Classic Serial


Force Sensitive Friday: How Lucasfilm Changed Lightsaber Crystals: Canon vs Legends - Star Wars Explained

It's time to take a break from Rogue one and look into lore vs lore with Canon and Legends with the Lightsabers Crystals. To be honest i am not much of a fan of the new canon's version of the Lightsabers Crystal and personally prefer the Legends versions of the Lightsaber Crystals, What do you guys prefer? 

Nic Cage Monday: Licking Sledge

This hits hard. 

Mr.J’s Sunday Soundtrack: Roxette - Almost Unreal (Official Video)

Fun fact before this song was used in the Super Mario Brothers live action movie it originally was going to be  for Hocus Pocus

Saturday Morning Serial: Dick Tracy Chapter 10: The Gold Ship (1937) - Classic Serial

Always gotta keep an eye out for the details

Force Sensitive Friday: Jan Ors Origins (Legends) - Star Wars Explained

There's no denying that Jan Ors is hands down the inspiration for Jyn Erso, It wouldn't surprise me if at the end of Rogue One we find out that  Jyn Erso is just an alias and her actual name is Jan Ors.But then again Kyle Katarn got a name change in all so i guess it's all a wait and see.

Nic Cage Monday: Hanna Cagetana


Mr.J’s Sunday Soundtrack: Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do) I Do It For You


Saturday Morning Serial: Dick Tracy Chapter 9: The Stratosphere Adventure

Dick you have to get better at tying criminals up.

Force Sensitive Friday: Star Wars: Rogue One || Jedi Knight?

Hey there everyone it me Frank again, since Rogue one is around the corner i'd figure this be the best time to focus more on Rogue one related stuff. There has been many discussions and talks throughout the many months since the debut of the Rogue  One's initial trailer. And of the many talks and discussions are of its vast amounts similarities between it and the Dark Forces series,for me i see it as the closest we will ever get to a live action adaption of the story. But what is your opinion on the matter?