TOOL - "Fear Inoculum" Review (Stream-of-Consciousness)

It's finally here. After 13 long years of waiting, we have finally been graced with a new Tool album and if it was possible for this to live up to the hype, it has done so. The album dropped on iTunes around 9:30 last night for those of us who pre-ordered it and I immediately listened to the entire thing in headphones and took notes with the intention of synthesizing those notes into a standard review. But nothing about this is standard. This is a culmination of Tool as a band. So I wanted to do something a little different. Something a little more in the spirit of this album. So I decided to take my notes, polish them up a bit for readability and post them as is to give a sense of the stream-of-consciousness experience I had listening to this album for the first time. I hope it works as well in practice as it sounds like it will in theory. Enjoy!